The brightest minds of Orlando gather round the guttering fire

Is this woman typical of local news coverage in the United States? I've spent time in Orlando, which is a nutty place, but is she the creme de la creme? Is Barack Obama a dedicated follower of Karl Marx? Is elocution no longer taught to newsreaders? Am I missing something? She is from [LINK WARNING: A "FAIR AND BALANCED" VIDEO STARTS INSTANTLY] the local FOX affiliate, but still... [As her bio asserts: "I covered the inauguration of President Bush and the impeachment of President Clinton. When Hillary Clinton attempted to reform our health care system, I traveled to Canada to examine the Canadian national health care system as a possible model for the U.S. From the heart of Ukraine, I was the only Western reporter to broadcast from inside the nuclear reactor building at Chernobyl on the 10th anniversary of the nuclear disaster there. I also uncovered the long term toll in increased incidence of cancer."] Uncovered the long-term toll in cancer in Chernobyl? While inside the reactor? Maverick.

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