And speaking of cunnilingus...
The Guardian's Susanna Forrest has words for "She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman: "The book is [a] passionate polemic on oral sex, a dense 200-plus pages of instruction with some clear line drawings to illustrate and quotations from Aristotle, Karl Marx, Harold Pinter and EB White, among others. It is full of slogans and puns ("The tongue is mightier than the sword", "Avoid Freud") and incorporates his Cunnilinguist Manifesto: "To her according to your abilities, from you according to her needs." Sometimes the "thinking man's" angle feels a little overdone—do you really want your significant other to perform Hamlet's soliloquy on your clitoris?—but the book is readable and friendly, and resolutely womancentric. Kerner says his aim was to produce a "manifesto of sexual contentment", as, despite all our protestations of openness and liberation, it becomes rapidly clear that men and women, while prepared to commit all manner of intimate acts on one another, display a reticence about communicating their sexual needs that would put a Cistercian monk to shame."